Smart Home, discover the 5 ideas to make your home smart.
Make your home connected, 5 ideas for actions that will change your day.
New technologies are constantly improving our daily lives. A connected home has many advantages that become real helpers.
- Saves energy.
- Improves the comfort of the inhabitants.
- Alerts in case of intrusion or any other problem in your home.
Connected sockets and switches
Unplugging electronic devices from sockets is recommended to limit energy costs. In reality it is not as simple as that, unplugging all the sockets in your home to reconnect them when you get home is a waste of time. Thanks to home automation, with a simple click of your finger, you can disconnect appliances that do not require a continuous power supply throughout the day from your smartphone.
Connected lighting,
A must for home automation, connected light bulbs! These lamps can be controlled remotely, and they can also change their colour depending on the model.
Some of them even include a bluetooth speaker to play music in the desired rooms. An alternative to connected light bulbs are connected switches. These can be used to turn a light on or off remotely or automatically via time-based settings.
Connected radiators
This type of connected device can allow us to change the temperature of a single room in the home at a specific time. The connected electric radiator, the connected thermostat or the connected thermostatic valves make heating systems intelligent. These devices are configured so that they can be operated remotely for better energy management.
Connected shutters
Connected shutters are controlled via remote controls, others via smartphones or tablets. Automated connected roller shutters open at the same time as the sun rises and close a little before it sets, for example, this type of scenario is defined in advance by the user.
When we talk about security, we think of anti-burglary systems, and this is the case, but not the only one: the connected house integrates anti-burglary systems with cameras, automatic locks or smoke generators. Other systems have been invented to warn us of a possible gas leak, smoke water leak, and even the opening of a door in the house. These points of vigilance are signalled to the user via an alarm or an alert on his telephone to ensure the safety of the various inhabitants of the home.
Parameterising and automating certain actions thanks to home automation allows energy savings and increased comfort.
Request a quote online to make your house or flat a connected home! Abiect will accompany you from the initial thought process to the installation of the objects for your connected home solution.