Renovating your kitchen: 5 decisions to make
Your kitchen is the most important part of your home – and so if required, it deserves an upgrade.
A large part of the renovations undertaken by Abilect are for the renovation of essential house sectors such as kitchens and bathrooms. When you decide to renovation your kitchen, you need to make these 5 main decisions:
- Decide on how you want to renovate your kitchen units
Do you want to dismantle the existing kitchen and replace the units with new units in the same configuration?
Do you want to dismantle the existing kitchen and replace with new units in a completely new configuration? Will you be moving around your appliances (which would mean that you would need to have electrical modifications done)?
- Decide on whether you want to get additional work done
Will you be creating an open kitchen by breaking down walls or will you be closing your kitchen by building walls?
Are you going to repaint your kitchen?
Are you going to change the flooring?
- Decide on the budget you want to set aside for the purchase of material
Your choice for kitchen unit providers is unlimited.
If you’re not looking to spend too much on the furniture for your kitchen, you can consider IKEA kitchens. Easy to model into the design that you want. Installation will always be a little bit longer and more complicated (and sometimes more expensive), but you will save a lot of money and still receive good quality units.
If you are willing to invest on this project, you can consider a specialist kitchens provider. Most start their kitchen ranges at minimum 10,000 CHF (inclusive of appliances). They’ll offer you the latest fashions in kitchen fabrication from Germany and Italy.
IKEA kitchens are modular kitchens – you customize the style of the kitchen, but you don’t have many options on colour or material. You cannot deviate from the standard dimensions of IKEA.
Specialist kitchens are for you to entirely customise – colours, materials, and dimensions if you have a special request.
Abilect can help you identify the budget for your kitchen material. Our Renovations Budget Calculator will provide you with an estimate of the labour charges involved. With this information, you can then decide on where you will order your kitchen.
- Decide on whether you want to keep your existing appliances or decide to invest in new ones
Often when renovating your kitchen, it might be a nice idea to refresh your appliances as well – of course based on the age of your appliances.
You can even decide to undertake upgrades. Have a gas stove? Why don’t you switch to a vitroceramic plate?
Why don’t you upgrade your fridge from free-standing to integrated?
Having a new dishwasher with upgraded features is always an improvement to the one that was installed 6 years ago!
- Decide on when you want to get started with your kitchen remodel
Specialist kitchen providers will naturally provide higher quality kitchens than general retailers such as IKEA, however, the advantage with IKEA would be shorter delivery schedules. It’s possible that with IKEA, you can pick up your kitchen on the same day as when you confirm the design and order it – or at the worst, the week after. However, with specialist kitchens, you would have to count a minimum of 4 weeks.
So based on the deadline you have for your kitchens, you can also decide which type of provider you want to go with.
Next steps
If you are interested in receiving a quotation for the renovation of your kitchen, please contact Abilect at services@abilect.com or 052 643 13 00.
Renovating a kitchen with Abilect gives you the following advantages:
- Benefit of our large supplier network which means that we are as flexible as your budget for the required renovation
- Verified and certified kitchen installers who will ensure that the work is undertaken perfectly and efficiently
- A strong project consultation and management team who are happy to undertake the consultation and planning of your kitchen renovation as well as the eventual execution of the work
- Benefit of our partner network through which you would be able to avail products (i.e., kitchen accessories, appliances) that you need with interesting promotions
Request a quotation for the renovation of your kitchen from Abilect today.
Abilect is active in all cities and cantons in Switzerland.